As soon as the shops are found, there will be relief from the traffic jam in the central area


New Loha Mandi: 50 shops ready, but transporters upset due to lack of allotment


More than 50 shops (transport complex) built for transporters in New Loha Mandi adjacent to Niranjanpur on Dewas Naka have been ready for about one and a half years, but the Indore Development Authority (IDA) is not allotting them. Transporters, including iron traders, have visited the IDA several times for this, but the allotment did not happen. A large number of transporters are needed for the supply of goods in the iron business. At present, most of the transporters associated with them do their business from Old Loha Mandi in the Juni Indore region. Trucks and other big vehicles come to the center of the city to carry goods. If the transporters shift to New Loha Mandi at Dewas Naka, then the traffic in the center of the city will also get a lot of relief.


Prabhat Kumar Mishra, Vice President of the Indore Iron Traders Association, said that in this regard, IDA President Jaipal Singh Chavda has also been met in the past. He has assured to do the process soon. Officials of the Dewas Naka Transport Association say that there has also been a demand to include only transporters in the allotment process; if open tenders are issued, then the purpose for which shops have been built here will not be fulfilled. On this issue, IDA CEO Ramprakash Ahirwar says the process of allotment of Transport Complex shops will be done soon after meeting with the traders. According to the rules, the shops will be allotted soon after floating the tender.


Iron business worth Rs 5 thousand crores is done every year from New Loha Mandi. GST of more than 700 crores and tax of 1.25 crores is being paid to the Municipal Corporation, yet there are no facilities like Narmada water and drainage lines. The sanitation system is also weak in the one-and-a-half-decade-old mandi. Traders are upset due to the illegal parking of trucks, dumpers, and buses. The day-to-day thefts in the mandi at night are a major concern for the traders. For security, the Lasudia police station has opened a help center, but it is also locked. There are 323 firms in the mandi, but there is only one Sulabh toilet. Due to a lack of drainage lines in most parts, the filth flows onto the roads and vacant plots. Narmada is a water tank, but the traders have not been given connections.


  • Allotment of plots in Mandi in 2006


  • 323 firms operate.


  • Traders pay a property tax of Rs. 1 crore every year.


  • The corporation takes Rs 8 lakh as a cleaning fee.


  • IDA takes about 35 lakh rupees every year.


Road connecting to AB Road stuck in legal tussle


A road connecting New Loha Mandi to AB Road is stuck in a legal tussle. Because of this, the businessmen here remain very worried. Due to the stay of the High Court, the work on the road has stopped. Due to the non-completion of the road, the businessmen doing business on the back side of the market have to go to AB Road by walking about one and a half kilometers. The registry of plots belonging to 35 businessmen has also been stuck by IDA due to technical reasons. Due to this, there is a problem getting a bank loan.

Source – Dainik bhaskar

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