4 important flyovers, their construction will ease traffic on Ring Road, AB Road and Indore-Ujjain Road.

The work of three flyovers on three major roads of the city is going on at a fast pace. With their construction, traffic will ease on Ring Road, AB Road and Indore-Ujjain Road. One lane of Khajrana flyover is almost ready to start. After construction of cement road on the lane going from Bengali intersection towards Khajrana, some parts have also been asphalted. IDA CEO and other engineers inspected this lane. The contractor has been instructed to prepare the lane before June 30. Trial and testing of this lane can be done before June 30.

This lane will be opened before the declaration of monsoon. With the commencement of this lane, the jam at Khajrana intersection will be eliminated to a great extent. The traffic going from Bengali towards Khajrana will pass without stopping. During the rainy season, there is so much traffic jam at this intersection that the vehicle is able to pass only after the signal turns green 4 times.

24 The deadline for all these flyovers was fixed as a month.

02 Each lane of the flyover is almost ready

02 flyover 40 percent work has been done

05 More than lakh vehicles will travel through these bridges

Work on the second lane of Khajrana Bridge is also going on at a fast pace, will be ready by the end of this year.

The work on the second lane of the bridge going from Khajrana to Bengali side is also going on at a fast pace. Steel girder has been launched here also. Construction of solid approach roads has also started on both sides. A religious place is to be shifted on the slope of the arm going towards Bengali. IDA is building a new religious place under the bridge. The second arm of Khajrana flyover will also start by the end of this year.

Bhanwarkuan Bridge: One lane girder to be launched

Already, solid approaches are being built on both sides. Work is going on in three shifts to complete the lane going from Rajiv Statue to Naulakha intersection at Bhanwarkuan intersection. The steel girder has been launched at the middle intersection here. Work is underway to strengthen the solid approaches (slopes) on both sides of the ridge. Cementing has started in one part while on the other side the soil is being filled and solidified. Then it will be prepared with cement and asphalt.

Footi Kothi Bridge: Main carriage way is being prepared, girder has been launched here also, flyover work is going on at Footi Kothi intersection. Girder launching has been done here also and the main carriage way of the bridge is being prepared. The width of this six lane overbridge will be approximately 24 meters and length will be approximately 625 meters. More than 1 lakh people passing through this area every day will get the benefit of easy traffic due to the construction of this overbridge.

Lavkush intersection: Pillars are visible, 70% work has been done on MR-10-Super Corridor side. The bridge going from MR-10 to Super Corridor at Lavkush intersection is 70% completed. At the same time, work is being done to prepare the foundation for the double decker bridge being built from Banganga to Saver Road. The work of erecting pillars in Banganga lane has also started. Iron bar structures are visible here. Piling is also being done in front of Aurobindo and bases are being made for the pillars. Work is being done here by installing three machines. The double decker bridge is to be completed in 24 months. From the point of view of Simhastha, this will prove to be the most important bridge.

Source- Dainik Bhaskar

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