While development work is being started in the 7 HEPS schemes currently being implemented by the authority, roads of about 45 kilometer length as per the master plan are also being constructed. Now Collector Ashish Singh, along with Authority CEO RP Ahirwar and other officials, saw the ongoing work of these master plan roads and has also given instructions to remove the encroachments obstructing it. At present, 12.30 kilometers long roads have been built so far.

The Collector inspected these roads of the master plan as well as MR. In fact the authority has identified 12 MRs in the master plan, many of which are still incomplete. Just now the Collector and IDA CEO inspected MR-12. Authority on 48.684 hectares of land in TPS-1.

Vector Pawan roads are being built, on which an amount of Rs 75 crore will be spent and its length is 1.49 kilometers. It is to be completed by March 2008. Similarly, in TPM 3, the authority is spending Rs 280 crore on development works on 143 hectares and in this scheme 4.40 Km.

The construction has been completed at present. Similarly, 85.387 hectares of land is included on TPS-4, on which the authority has estimated an expenditure of Rs 129 crore. But at present there is a stay of the High Court on this plan, due to which apart from the development works, the construction of the 4.20 km long road of the master plan has also not been started. Whereas TPS-5 includes 150 hectares of land, on whose development works an amount of Rs 305 crore will be spent, which has 6.10 kilometers of master planned road, out of which 5 kilometers has already been constructed by the authority. Similarly, TPS-8 covers 279 hectares of land, on whose development the authority will spend Rs 831 crore. Roads of length 12.11 km are to be built in this, 8.90 km in TPS-9 and 7.95 km in TPS-10.

Source- Agniban

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