Authority Board approved the proposal, will send it to city and village investment, also gave administrative approval for Mhow Naka flyover.

  • Indore.

In the board meeting of the authority held on June 19, the proposal to widen the road from Gangwal bus stand to the collector office from 30 meters to 45 meters was agreed to and now a letter in this regard has been sent to the commissioner cum director of city and village investment, Bhopal. So that the width of this road can be increased by 15 meters in the proposed development plan 2041. In fact, last year itself the authority had approved a flyover worth Rs 81 crore at Mahunaka intersection. But since the width of the road is only 30 meters i.e. 100 feet, a six-lane flyover cannot be built on it. Now a proposal is being sent to make a 45 meter i.e. 150 feet wide road in Lihmaja.

The authority issued its last year’s Where the budget is 5 to 6 times more , On the other hand, such development works worth crores of rupees were also approved for which practical implementation was not possible. For example, a flyover was approved at Mahunaka intersection, whereas the width of the road itself is not as per the requirement at present. Due to the code of conduct of first assembly and then Lok Sabha elections, the board meeting of the authority could not be held on its scheduled time, due to which, in the board meeting held on January 24, the plan for construction of flyover at Mhow Naka intersection costing Rs 81.30 crore was not given administrative approval. Gave intoxicated. Whereas the authority had already spent 10 percent of the amount available under the non-plan item. Therefore, special approval was also sought for the construction of this flyover. However, this approval has not been received yet. On the other hand, the budget meeting of the authority was just held.

In that, the proposal to increase the road from Gangwal Bus Stand to Collector Office from 30 to 45 meters was definitely approved, because while the traffic on this road is continuously increasing, the road will have to be expanded by 150 feet due to the six lane flyover to be constructed. It is necessary to widen it. However, this width will also increase in the proposed Master Plan 2041 of Indore, which will take a lot of time, because at present the draft has not been published. However, its buzz has started in Bhopal. At present, flyovers are being constructed by the authority at four major intersections Khajrana, Lavkush, Bhanwarkua and Footi Kothi and feasibility survey was also conducted for flyovers at a total of 11 places, which also includes Mhow Naka intersection. This flyover was announced by the then Chief Minister during the Bhoomi Pujan of the Bhanwarkua flyover, due to which the Authority Board While the DDA had to give approval for the construction of the flyover, efforts have also been made to increase the width of the road, because without six lanes, construction of slip roads on both sides of the flyover is not possible. The length of this flyover is 578 meters, the length of the via duct is 320 meters, the length of the approach is 258 meters, the width of the carriageway is 11 meters and footpaths will also have to be constructed along with slip roads of 7 and a half meters width on both sides. The consultant appointed by the authority, based on the first level estimation, estimated the construction cost of this flyover at Rs 81 crore 30 lakh, on the basis of which the authority also gave its administrative approval in the last board meeting. The flyovers at the four intersections which are being constructed by the authority are all of six lane width and the roads on which they are being constructed i.e. Khajrana intersection, Bhanwarkua, Footi Kothi and Lavkush are all 200 feet wide.

Source- Agniban

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