The new railway station will not look like Rajwada.

● Indore.

The foundation stone of the redevelopment project of the city’s main railway station will be laid by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on February 26. PM will announce this project under the program to be held virtually.

Project divided into two parts Will start. Radical changes have been made in the earlier redevelopment plan. In the new plan, the image-like shape of Rajwada will be removed and a seven-storey building of modern pattern will be built in its place. This building will be built on the number one platform side.

While earlier this project was worth around Rs 950 crore, now it has become worth Rs 474 crore.

However, railway officials argue that earlier the area across Sarvate Road was also included in this project, but now it has been left out. The development there will be done by the Railway Land Development Authority (RLDA) in the second phase. According to the new plan, along with platform number one, the main terminal building located towards platform number four (Maharani Road) will be demolished. The new building to be constructed there will have two floors. A big concourse will be built to connect the two main buildings being constructed on sides number one and four, where there will be many facilities including restaurant, waiting area. Tenders for the work have not been issued yet, but efforts are being made to call the tenders by March. The target is to complete this work in two years.

Underground parking will be built and island platform will be abandoned.

Sources said that in the plan of the development project, underground parking will be made for two and four wheelers. The entire plan has been prepared keeping in mind the needs of 30-40 years. The old plan included island platforms (numbers five and six). But this has not been mentioned in the new plan. Here, after the PM’s program was decided, MP Shankar Lalwani along with railway officials inspected the site of the program to be held at Indore station on Monday.


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