The underbridge being built at MR-10 junction will be six lanes wide. After the excavation started for the underbridge at the junction, now the installation of rebar nets has started. 30 meters long

After excavation, iron traps started to appear

This bridge is being built for the vehicles of Indore-Raghagarh fourlane highway. With this, vehicles will be able to move from MR-10 towards Raghogarh.

National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) officials said that there will be three lanes for vehicles going from Raghogarh to Indore and three lanes from Indore to Raghogarh. The underbridge will allow vehicles to pass freely under the existing bypass road. They should not stop or get stuck at the junction.

Will have to. Officials said that a four-lane highway is being built in the 28 kilometer long stretch between Indore-Raghagarh, but the underbridge is a special type of structure, hence it is being made six-lane wide as per the future needs. This greenfield highway is part of the Indore-Harda-Betul Highway Project. In future, whenever its main carriageway is changed from four to six lanes, there will be no hassle of widening the underbridge.

The project is to be completed by March next year

According to NHAI officials, the work on Indore-Raghogarh highway started in 2023 and the target is to complete this project by March-25. Initially, due to lack of supply of coal ash (fly ash) from the power plant, the highway construction work was stuck for several months, but now the work is going on at full speed.

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