Now the work of building RE walls on both sides has gained momentum.

• Indore.

After the pillars, all five slabs have also been made and ready for the six lane flyover at Rau Junction of the bypass. For the past several months, the work of making six pillars and five slabs for the flyover was going on. After its completion, the contractor company has now intensified the work of building RE walls on both sides of the bridge.

National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) had started the work of the flyover in June 22. Although Due to non-availability of land and non-removal of obstacles, the pace of work was not as expected. As a result, the deadline of December 23 was missed and NHAI had to give the company an additional three months to construct the flyover. In the current situation, the pace of work has increased, but it is difficult to have the flyover ready by March. Sources said that still efforts are being made to complete as much work as possible by March. The remaining work will be completed by April-May.

Unique six lane bridge resting on a single pillar

NHAI is getting the Rau flyover ready considering it as the entry point of the city. Its design is also special, because this six lane wide bridge will rest on a single pillar. Usually such bridges are built with a pair of pillars. After the completion of the civil work of the bridge, its decoration will also be done specially.

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