
IDA’s start up park on the Super Corridor will cause confusion for the entire corridor. The proposal for this Startup Park has been made bypassing the provisions given on the Super Corridor. After T&CP rejected the layout, IDA is now ready to change the provisions of the Super Corridor. This proposal has been sent to Bhopal. After its approval, other plot holders of the Super Corridor will also have to give permission on the basis of this. In such a situation, the very purposes for which the Super Corridor was created will be defeated.

IDA had got the planning of the Super Corridor done by a Singapore company 10-12 years ago. Accordingly, development will be done by planning various activities here.

Special provisions were made in the master plan for this. Under this, the FAR (Floor Area Ratio) on the Super Corridor is three, but there is a condition regarding MOS (Marginal Open Space) that half of the front MOS of the building height will have to be left. Till now IDA had no problem with this. All the plots that were sold on the Super Corridor or the farmers who got plots as compensation, got the maps passed from T&CP under these provisions only.

This technical problem

IDA wants to build an 87.5 meter i.e. 27 storey building on 22 acres (9.58 lakh square feet) of land here. FAR three is achieved on Super Corridor, but about 45 meter MOS in front and 10-10 meter MOS on both sides.

Will have to leave. That means 65 percent of the total plot area will go into MOS. Front MOS in master plan.

There is a provision to leave 30 metres. Due to this, IDA will get more ground coverage, but it will be limited for height.

Wants to take the FAR of the Super Corridor, because the maximum FAR for high-rises in the master plan is only two.

If the plots on which work has started go to court, the entire project will be in trouble.

The one who gave planning different from the provision was selected by the officers. Later, IDA planned a startup park on the Super Corridor. A tender was floated to appoint a consultant for its planning. Five consultants came in it. Four of them gave the planning of the startup park under the provisions of the Super Corridor, but one consultant did the planning by combining the Super Corridor and the master plan of the rest of the city, i.e. by creating a complex of rules. IDA officers liked this plan. Despite knowing that the plan was not in accordance with the Super Corridor, that consultant was selected and the layout plan was prepared according to his planning.

Applied for passing in T&CP, which was rejected. Now a problem arose before IDA. Recently, when Principal Secretary of Urban Development and Housing Department Neeraj Mandloi came to Indore, a presentation was kept in front of him. He said that it his is possible only when there is a change in the rules. IDA sent a proposal to the government for changes in the master plan. Without thinking that if the plots that have been sold and work on which has started go to court, the entire project will get entangled.

* Only 18 types of activities are allowed on the Super Corridor… A separate provision was made in the Master Plan 10 years ago for the development of the Super Corridor. Under this, only 18 types of activities are allowed here. These include theme parks, star hotels, corporate offices, bio-medical institutions, software technology parks, electronic complexes, convention centres, shopping malls and multiplexes, amusement parks, readymade garment complexes, knowledge base industries, multi-media industries, film industries, trade centres, It includes institutional buildings, educational institutions, sports complex and export processing zone.

An attempt was made to contact IDA CEO RP Ahirwar in this regard but he did not respond.

Source- DB Star

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