The basic price of the land has been kept at Rs 37 crore, it can be used for commercial and residential purposes.

* Indore.

The Smart City Project has issued tenders to sell 34 thousand square feet of land in the MOG Line area and its basic price has been fixed at Rs 37 crore. A high rise building is to be constructed on this land, which can be used for residential and commercial purposes.

The Smart City project had got a lot of land in the MOG Line area from the government level and many works are to be done there under the redevelopment project. Some plans have been made to develop this area, along with road construction work and many other works.

According to the officials associated with the Smart City Project, tenders have been issued today for the sale of 34 thousand square feet of land in the Dhar Road area in the MOG Line area. This land can be used both for residential and commercial purposes. Also, it is proposed to build a multi-storey building. With the construction of such a building, the population density of this area will increase and there will be a big change in the market value of this area. According to the officials, this land is being sold and offers have been invited by issuing tenders from the institutions interested in buying the land.

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