It will be easy to reach MIG intersection directly from Janjeerwala

After receiving funds from the government, now preparations are on to start work on the 100 feet wide road from Lakshmi Memorial to Atal Dwar. Tenders for this will be opened this week. The road is to be constructed at a cost of Rs 10 crore and officers will now discuss with the residents in case of obstacles.

Discussion regarding obstructive houses

To go to MIG from Janjeerwala intersection, drivers take BRTS from Industries House via Palasia Bridge. Atal Dwar from Lakshmi Memorial Hospital via Nehru Nagar with the aim of reducing the pressure of vehicles on BRTS. The work of building a 100 feet wide road is to begin. Earlier tenders were issued for this road, but due to imposition of code of conduct the matter got confused. Now the tender is to be opened and the agency will be finalized soon. According to Public Works Committee in-charge Rajendra Rathore, this road is to be built at a cost of Rs 10 crore and its construction will facilitate drivers of small and big vehicles to reach MIG directly instead of going on BRTS. There are more obstructive constructions in the part of Nehru Nagar and due to this, the corporation officials are discussing with the residents of the area and reaching a consensus so that the road construction work can start there as soon as possible. There are less obstacles in the initial parts of the road, so preparations are being made to start the work there.

Source :- Agniban

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